Rest as a spiritual tool is necessary to refresh your soul. Rest looks different for all of us but even as things have slowed down during the pandemic how much have you rested?
Rest as a spiritual tool is different for different people. You know you have rested your spirit when you feel joy, peace and love. In order to connect to those things you need to be able to put aside all distractions to joy, peace and love and to give your body and your mind a time to catch up to them and to settle into them. There is no multi-tasking when it comes to rest. One of the difficulties with rest in our world is that we have been geared to think that we have to be “doing” something, we have to be productive, to accomplish something. Rest requires that we be OK with doing nothing. Rest is holy and necessary for your spirit.
When you rest, your mind is at ease. If you do not have a meditation practice or a mindfulness practice then it may be difficult to rest. When you are resting all kinds of thoughts and ideas about what to do will come up. When that happens simply let them pass on by. Do not engage with them. Nor is this a good time to try and solve problems or conversations or arguments. Resting is something you should do every day. Occasionally, it is good to have an extended period of rest in which you don’t do any of the things you normally do. Resting leads to peace and requires a bit of surrender, breathing peace, drinking and cleansing in joy and feasting on love.
Consider for yourself what it means to rest and how that might be a new spiritual tool or discipline. Check out previous blog posts about nurturing your spirit with peace, joy and love. Or you may comment below or private message me. Ponder what rest would feel like for you and consider ways to do that. Remember, rest is holy, a part of our divine nature, necessary and builds connections between God (however you understand God), self and neighbor.
Very good, Bro V