Surrender to the New | Friday Food

Surrender to the new things that are happening is one way to move through times of transition like a pandemic.  Often we are resistant to new things especially when we feel like we don’t have any choice in the matter.  But when we surrender to the new things that are happening our world opens up to endless possibilities for moving forward.

Surrender to the New

Surrender to the NewDuring rapidly changing times, sometimes we find ourselves trying to fit into a box that no longer works anymore.  The tried and true ways of doing things, the way we have always done things suddenly seem not only irrelevant, inappropriate and sometimes impossible.   When we keep trying to do things that seem irrelevant, inappropriate or impossible in the current situation, we are sure to end up in a very frustrating place where things like anger and stubbornness keep us from moving to the new.

When we find ourselves having difficulty stepping into the new, it is a good time to stop pushing and see which way the wind is blowing and the water is flowing.  It is a good time to pause and see where you might put your energy that is currently focused on resistance.  Is there some other place where you can focus your energy that brings more joy, love, and peace.

When we are able to move out of resistance we are able to step out of judgement, fear, anger, denial and accept the grace freely offered to move in a new direction.  This new direction, this new way of being that we can live into does not look like the old way that is based on who did it better, faster, and smarter.  The new way leans into grace, forgiveness and acceptance for self and others.  It also understands there is strength in diversity as a unifying force which brings in many perspectives to create something new and move us into a new reality.


What new things are you resisting?  How could you take some time to look at your resistance and think about ways to go with the flow?  Who are the folks who are different from yourself that might actually have what it takes to help you move into something new?  If you are struggling with moving through a transition in your life personally or in your organization and would like some help, please feel free to contact me.

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