Joy Is Always Constant | Friday Food

Joy is always constant.  Sometimes this is hard to remember during difficult times like a pandemic.  However, it is always present flowing freely ready for us to float along and be refreshed.

Joy Is Always Constant

JoyJoy is the water for our soul.  It refreshes us and it cleanses us.  During difficult times like a pandemic, sometimes our soul is thirsty and gets full of debris and isn’t able to flow freely.  That doesn’t mean that joy is not present.  It simply means that we must take a little time and reconnect to the joy that is freely and abundantly present.  Sometimes, we have to take some time and figure out what is keeping us from the flow of joy.  It could be that we have taken in too much “news.”  Perhaps, we haven’t taken time to listen to the birds sing or do something creative in our own lives.  Or maybe the “reality” of life has hit us hard and we can’t seem to find any joy at all.  None of this means that joy is not present.  We are simply distracted from that joy.

Connecting to Joy

If you are having a hard time finding joy, you may need to suspend your belief for a moment that it is absent or has left you.  Refocus your thinking.  Take a few minutes to breathe some peace and listen.  If you are outdoors you may hear the birds sing or the neighbor working in the yard.  Just listen and breathe.  Imagine a refreshing stream that you are floating in.  Just going with the flow, going around rocks and limbs and anything that might try to block your flow.  Take in the sun on your body and just flow.  It is also helpful to think of the smallest thing you can do to bring you joy like the new bouquet you placed on your table, the new plant you just potted, a picture you painted, a clean bookcase so that you favorite books and treasures are easily enjoyed.


God (however you understand God) desires that you be joy filled and satisfied.  Joy is foundational to our spiritual health and we need a regular intake of joy.  If you would like help in developing a spiritual practice that includes joy, please send me a message or write a comment below.  Take some time today to connect to refreshing cleansing joy and let me know about it in the comments below.

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