I Love You | Friday Food

Friday Food is a little bit of food for your soul. A little something to feed your soul, to remind you that you are loved, that you are not alone and that there is hope. Friday Food is just a little something to encourage you along the way. Looking for more inspiration? View the entire Friday Food series here.

Welcome to Friday Food!  A little bit of food for your soul…every Friday.  For the next few months we are looking at “Downloads from Heaven”.  In these “downloads” we are contemplating what it would be like if we got a message from God (however you understand God).  We will be exploring messages from God about pain and suffering and healing and and blessing and love and peace other topics too!  When you read these “downloads” you will notice that they are in quotes.  This is to help you think from your heart NOT your head.  Don’t get caught up in whether or not God, (however you understand God) actually said these things.  Just let them speak to your heart.  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.  Here is today’s download:

I Love You

I Love You“I love you.  There is nothing about me that you have to figure out.  All you have to do is to love me and get to know how much I love you.  Know that I have faith in you and I can heal you and make you whole.  Know that I want joy, happiness, peace and love for you.  Know that I also want all of this for your neighbor and your enemy.  Do not try to figure me out.  Just be with me and let us share our love for each other.  When we share our love, the cosmos is changed, we become new creatures and all things are made new.  There is a new heaven and a new earth when we love.  Really, there is nothing to figure out.  I love you.”  

It is easy to say that God (however you understand God) is love.  But if you still think of God as a being that constantly judges and waits for a reason to condemn you, then you will never go far in your spiritual path.  If you must think of God as one who judges you can only do it with a full and deep understanding of how much God loves you and it takes a lifetime to understand that.  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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  1. Thank you. For a bit of sanity in the festering politics of democracy. Where we need to love our enemies as even our friends can be among them. I read an article this week in the Washington Post that if Americans really want to wear the Christianity cloak in politics, we should speak with love, compassion, and an attempt to understand our differences. I am so troubled with the vitriol that will surely escalate through Election Day, and afterwards half our national family will be angry because of who wins. When did democracy become win or lose, love or hate? Your Friday food and Plough Daily Dig bring truth, a word that has lost its meaning in the secular world but remains the constant with Christ. LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

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