God’s math

Reminders from God is a weekly series of inspirational and spiritual reflection to help you deepen and explore your understanding of and relationship with God. Find the entire weekly series here.

God uses higher math.  Even if you don’t like math, you need to learn about God’s math.  If you think in terms of “if” and “then” you may or may not be able to solve your problems.  If you think “I will do X so that God will do Y” that may not be a formula that works.  In God’s math, grace and love are always a part of the equation.  So, if you think you will say 12 Hail Mary’s or that you will read the entire Bible this year or some such thing and then bargain with God to solve your problem, it may or may not work.  It depends on how much grace you need.  It depends on how much grace you show.  It depends on how much love you have and how much love you are willing to show.  There are no if/then formulas; you have always got to include grace and love in the formula.  Today is a good day to give up if and then thinking and to accept the notion that God is already at work in your life.  Take some time and look for God’s presence gently at work in your life and in the world.

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