Friday Food

IMG_4141 Today we have good food for the soul.  It is very nourishing especially if you are feeling dry in your soul.  If the new year has found your soul hungry, then here is good food for your soul.  God is abundantly merciful and gracious.  You have nothing to fear for God has created you and God has declared that you are good.  So settle your soul and take in God’s abundant love.  Breathe deeply the peace that passes all understanding.  Live in harmony and joy.  Work on your thoughts, do not be angry, live in peace and joy.  Let hope rise within you.  Do not wait to reach perfection.  You are capable of fulfilling your divine purpose in any moment.  Watch yourself this weekend and watch your divine self show up.  Let all of this good food sink deeply into your soul so that you may be abundantly fed.  Let me know what it looks like, how it felt and what you thought about your full divine self.

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