Friday Food

IMG_4141Our food for this Friday is joy!  A tasty treat you can enjoy anytime.  And a great way to start the new year.  There is joy all around.  Open your eyes and your heart to the joy.  In whatever situation you are in, know that God loves you and joy always comes and joy is always available to inform who you are and how you get through any situation.  Look for the joy and you will also find your neighbors peace and hope and love.  If you can find but one of these, you will soon find the rest.  They are abundant and near.  Remove all obstacles that stand in the way of knowing this.  They are present if you are willing to give up those things that keep them from coming through.  Ask for God’s help in removing these obstacles that you may know of God’s reality and be free of your burdens and delusions.  Take some time this weekend to look beyond the distractions to your joy.  Look for it at the soccer field with your kids and in the nursing home with your parent.  Look for it in the mirror.   It is there.  Open your eyes and your heart.   Let me know where you see joy this week in the comments below.  Let me know how it tasted!

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