Friday Food

IMG_0796 This Friday’s tasty treat has to do with the goodness in all things, including the goodness that is you!  God is over all things and God is under all things and God is in all things.  God has created you and the entire cosmos.  There is nothing hidden from God and everything is as it should be.  If you find fault with your life and in the world, you can change your perspective, the way you think about things.  Look for God’s presence see how God works through every situation to uphold you and the cosmos.  All is good.  God has made it that way.  Can you look beyond what you see with your eyes, open your heart and know that all is well?  And can you know that God is busy with the work of healing and making things new in your life and in the world?  Blessed are you because God has created all things and declared it good.  That includes you!!  This is true, God’s creation is good.  All else is illusion.

Open your heart to this new reality that has always been present.  Use not only our brain but your heart as well to see and know of God’s great love for you, your neighbor and your enemy and for the cosmos.  Share this love and peace throughout the world.  Do not give much time or consideration to what is wrong in the world or in your life.  Do not be afraid even in the darkest moments look for love and light.  Do not hold on to anger.  Let it pass on through you then let God’s love shine and grow in you.  You are blessed and whole.  Believe it and watch it happen.  See if you can see this new reality this weekend.  Let me know how it goes.

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