Friday Food

What does God look like?    There is no judgment or condemnation for those who love God.  God has only love for you.  It matters not the mistakes you make, or stubborn wandering on your part.  It doesn’t matter how many hoops you jump through or how many rules you break or keep.  God is peace, love, holy and gentle and God will give God’s self freely to you.  God’s love is a balm for your wounds and it is strong enough to lift you out of the slimmiest, darkest places.  God’s love will not fail you nor is God’s love conditional.  Forgive all people and situations that keep you from God’s love.  Simply be done in word and deed and walk towards God’s love light.  When you forgive, your love light will shine and it will join with my love light and the world will be changed.  Look for ways to join your divine and holy light with the divine and holy light of God and let me know what happens.

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