Friday Food

IMG_0092Starting this coming Friday, our Friday Food will explore what it would be like if God spoke to you directly and specifically.  What if you heard actual words from God in your stillness, in your suffering, in your relationships with others?  What if you could hear God speak to you about your wounds and offer some help and healing?   These are just a few of the subjects we will be exploring.  I’m calling these posts “Downloads from Heaven.”  I have written these posts and put them in quotation marks as if they were in fact words spoken to you by God.  Whether God actually spoke or speaks these words in not important.  What is important is your ability to imagine that God could speak these words.  And if God did speak these words to you, would it make any difference in your life?  I encourage you to reflect on the words during the week.  There will be an opportunity for you to respond in the comments and I hope you will share your experiences of getting a “Download from Heaven.”

Posted in Downloads from Heaven, Friday Food, Individual.

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