Friday Food

Flowing Love            The psalmists asks that God hear her cries and his prayers.  Perhaps one reason they have the notion that God does not hear is because of what they ask for.   The psalmist ask that the king be blessed by God and makes praise conditional upon God’s blessing and protection of the king.  Now really, we have been at this long enough to know that the political ruler of any age is not the reason for what currently bothers us nor is it the solution to our aliments.  God’s blessing,  God’s protection are already present to all people not just a chosen few.  To live in an if/then world is to live in constant contention.  I you do this God will do that.  God does not play that game.  God ask only for one thing and this is our love because that is all that God gives us.

In difficult moments, you cry to God, you want God’s protection and nurture.  God wants you to know that God’s love covers all things and all situations.   Do not wait for your times of desperation because if you are not experienced in the experience of God’s love, it takes a while to get to God’s love in desperate situations.  Practice loving God and experiencing God’s love daily and soon you will not even recognize the desperate days when they arrive because you will be so full of God’s love.

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  1. good one! i like title friday food though i had a smile thinking friday is often a fast day; then i thought “friday fast food” is a good title too. love to you jane

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