Downloads from God


IMG_0092How would your life be different if God said to you:

I am not just living in you.  We are living together.  Our Spirits are joined, we share some of the same Spirit stuff.  The more you live as Spirit filled, the more like yourself you become — the more authentic you are.  And this is radical and many people may be offended by this radical, authentic, spirit filled/guided life.  So, gather your courage — ask for courage to be this radically, authentic, Spirit filled person you are called to be.  This “new creation” is full of love and joy.  So, if you are seeking love and joy, look to your authentic, radical, Spirit filled self.  I love you!
Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on today’s Download from Heaven.

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  1. Exactly! This is the radical Good News of Jesus, but to fully grasp it means you have to let go of the idea that God / Jesus is different from you… that a human-being is not-God. I love to share the Namaste greeting to keep this awareness fresh in our consciousness. 🙂

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