Why Are We Here? Tuesday Tidbit

Tuesday Tidbits are bits of information for people working in religious institutions.  These tidbits are short and provide you with information that can help you in your ministry.  You can view the entire series here.  Let me know your thought in the comments below.

Why Are We Here?  Asking and Answering the Purpose Question in Ministry

People have posed this questions for all time.  And it is an important question for the church and especially each congregation to consider.  When working with churches who are discerning next steps in ministry, I will always ask “what is the purpose.”  And for me, purpose answers the question:  “why are we here?”

In discerning new directions in ministry it is a basic question to answer.  If you are a congregation filling out a Mission Information Form (MIF)in preparation to call a new minister you will be asked to state your mission.  Your mission statement could be your purpose but most MIF’s that I see do not clearly answer the purpose question.  Frequently when talking about mission, congregations begin to tell me about their mission projects like feeding the hungry, the clothes closet ministry or many other good and faithful ministries, but how does that help you accomplish your purpose?  In fact some congregations are involved in very appropriate ministries but these ministries do not drive the congregation in any particular direction and sometimes become an obstacle to accomplishing the purpose.

Sometimes congregations will give me a vision statement.  This is fine if it answers the question of why are we here.  But for me, vision statements articulate where you see yourself as a congregation at some point in the future.

Another thing to consider in answering the purpose question are the assumptions about the purpose of the church.  Some groups will say very clearly and strongly what the  purpose is.  Further discussion usually reveals many assumptions about that purpose.  Some of those assumptions are helpful and some are not.  When this happens in a group, family, organization or church this is an indication that more discernment may be needed.

The answer to the purpose question also helps in getting leadership to help accomplish what you feel called as a congregation to be doing.  People looking to serve are more likely to connect when they understand the purpose and how their own sense of purpose connects to the purpose of the church.

A clear sense of purpose also helps attract people to the faith community who are eager to join you in ministry.  When you are clear about why you are here, more people are likely to want to be a part of what you are doing.  Clearly articulating your purpose invites people who are discerning their own sense of call and purpose.

As faith communities we can draw from a rich source of scriptures to discern our purpose.  The institutional church is in a time of great transition.  A clear sense of purpose helps a congregation discern where God is calling and keeps them organizationally flexible in times of rapid change.

If you would like more information about how to discern your purpose or if you would like help in your congregation on discerning your purpose, contact me to learn what is possible in working together in this discernment.

Rev. Michael Vinson, Staff Resource for Congregational Vitality
Presbytery of Arkansas

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