Soul Cleaning During the Pandemic | Friday Food

Soul cleaning during the pandemic.  That  is the topic this week as we continue to think about and practice soul care during the pandemic.  We are getting a lot of messages from many sources that tell us how to take care of ourselves financially, physically and emotionally. Over the last few weeks I’ve been offering tips and methodologies for keeping your soul healthy during the pandemic.  Today I want to talk about Soul cleaning.

Soul CleansingCleaning Your Soul

Regular house cleaning keeps our physical space clean.  When we ignore those balls of lint and dust that accumulate in the out of the way places the house gets dirty.    In my house, we call these dust bunnies.  These dust bunnies grow and multiply very quickly like rabbits.  If you don’t regularly get rid of them they quickly take over and before you know it things are not so neat and tidy in our physical space.

Dust Bunnies of the Soul

The most common dust bunnies of the soul are fear and anger.  They live off the wounds of your soul.  They knock the scabs of our most vulnerable places and make it very difficult to heal our soul wounds.  If we don’t keep these little demons cleaned up, our soul wounds can become infected.  And when our soul wounds are exposed and not cared for, then we cannot live as the safe, nurtured and empowered people that we are meant to be. The same thing is true for your soul.

Getting Rid of the Dust Bunnies

Getting rid of these soul dust bunnies is like a weekly house cleaning of sweeping and dusting.  It is something you can do on a regular basis.  Do it at least once a week if you can.  To clean out these dust bunnies, simply let joy rise up in you.  Think of joy as a transfusion of the soul, coming up from the ground and through your feet like a golden transfusion for your soul.  Use your imagination, see it in your mind.  Imagine jumping into a cleansing pool and taking a drink of pure joy and swimming around in a  pool of joy.  You don’t have to feel happy.  Just imagine and make your intention to get rid of the dust bunnies of fear and anger as these are the most common.  Over time, you will recognize others.  But these two are the most common ones.


These dust bunnies of the soul, particularly fear and anger are always around.  One of the things to think about as you go about your daily living is how can you physically keep anger and fear away. Unfortunately, we live in a world that seeks to capitalize on our fears. Social media and news media combine to feed our fears and stir us up and make us angry and afraid.  When we are fearful and angry our soul cannot be at rest and we cannot live safe, nurtured and empowered lives.  So, be aware of the dust bunnies, how they show up, and take some time to clean them out.  Let me know your thoughts or questions in the comments below.

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  1. Hey Michael, thanks for writing this piece and offering the joyful image to my ‘mental eye’ (or as we call it in Dutch: geestesoog) of Dust Bunnies hopping around. Very poetic indeed.

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