Do Not Fear Me | Friday Food

Friday Food is a little bit of food for your soul. A little something to feed your soul, to remind you that you are loved, that you are not alone and that there is hope. Friday Food is just a little something to encourage you along the way. Looking for more inspiration? View the entire Friday Food series here.

Welcome to Friday Food!  A little bit of food for your soul…every Friday.  For the next few months, we are looking at “Downloads from Heaven”.  In these “downloads” we are contemplating what it would be like if we got a message from God (however you understand God).  We will be exploring messages from God about pain and suffering and healing and blessing and love and peace other topics too!  When you read these “downloads” you will notice that they are in quotes.  This is to help you think from your heart NOT your head.  Don’t get caught up in whether or not God, (however you understand God) actually said these things.  Just let them speak to your heart.  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.  Here is today’s download:

Do Not Fear Me

Do Not Fear Me“Do not fear me.  There is no reason to fear me.  You are loved no matter what.  There are consequences to carelessness but I love you and will be with you even when you go through difficult times.  If you go to the darkest place, I will go with you if only to show you the way to the light.  When you reject me, I am with you.  No matter how long it takes I always wait for you to return.  Sometimes, you will find that I will lead you in the way that is for your highest good.  You have complete freedom to do what you will.  Go where you desire.  My goal is to love you in all things.  For in this love you will find yourself and your deepest desire.  I love you.”  


Many are trying to answer the question “why am I here?”  The answer to that question is difficult if we answer based on our fear of making a mistake or disappointing someone.  Many of us have been taught that we are here for a divine purpose but that in order to know that purpose we have to do “the right thing” and to “please God” (however you understand God)  This fear based thinking, especially fear of God will make finding the answer to “why I am here?” very difficult.  What fears have kept you from being the person you are called to be and how did you get over that fear.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Posted in Downloads from Heaven, Friday Food and tagged , , , .

One Comment

  1. Loardy me! you are writing beautifully, disciplinnedly (a word?) and joyfully. thank you michael!

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