Feeding Your Soul Love During the Pandemic | Friday Food

Feeding your soul during the pandemic can be a challenge.  We have been given a lot of information about how to take care of our physical bodies during this time of the pandemic. I want to give you some ways to take care of your spirit/soul.  So, I’m going to be offering some simple tools to help you take care of the inner you as you follow recommendations for taking care of your body.

Feeding Your Soul Love

Nurture Your Soul with LoveFor the last two weeks I have shared with you how to breathe peace as well as how to drink and cleanse in joy to nurture your soul.  Today, I want to share with you about how to feed your soul.  We have talked about breath for the soul which is peace and water for the soul which is joy.  The food your soul needs is love.  When we take in love and live in humility our soul is empowered.

The Input

The food, the intake for our soul is love.  Luckily we have  many choices here.  Love for your soul is anything that your soul loves.  Just like your body loves different kinds of foods, your soul thrives on a wide variety of love options.  It could be a walk in the outdoors, music, art, reading, rest, or a conversation with a friend.  Really, anything that you do to enrich your soul.  It might even be prayer, meditation or attending a service of worship.  (although I think most of those have been cancelled these days)

The Output

The thing that we do or be, the output is humility, or to live humbly.  Maybe you were taught that there is a weakness to humility. Maybe you think humility involves some self sacrificing or putting others before yourself.  My definition of humility is being satisfied with the way things are.  This is probably one of the biggest learning opportunities offered to us at this time.  To live in humility we have to be real clear about what we already have.  We have to honor that life is enough.  Enough, is another opportunity for learning.  Humility means that we understand that we are enough, that we have enough for whatever the situation calls for.  Therefore, living humbly means setting aside what is not or what we do not have and being satisfied that what is.

The Result

When we take in love and when we live into humility, the acceptance that we are enough, then our soul is empowered.  This is not power over something or someone.  This is the power to create, make something new.  It is the power to share, to take action and to set aside the distractions that try to tell us that there is not enough.  So, this is the power to be free and enjoy the health of who and what we are in the world.


This is the great opportunity of the pandemic, to take in a variety of love, to nurture our souls, to be satisfied with what we have.  Therefore, now is the time to put aside distractions of what is wanted and live in the reality of enough.  When we understand we have enough and that we and our neighbor are enough and we share so that others have enough, we are very powerful in our soul.  Let me know how you are doing in the comments below.

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