Advent 2 Year B

Mark 1:1  The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

The good news of Advent is that we get a “do over.”  Advent means we get to start over again with whatever we choose to start over.  We can start over with our relationship to

God                                                                                IMG_0092






And even with ourselves.

The beginning of the Good News happens anytime we decide we want to stop what we are doing,

stop on the path we are on,

stop useless ways and  patterns of thinking

and start over with Jesus.

The beginning of the Good News happens anytime we choose to give up





The beginning of the Good News Happens whenever we decide to

Love the unlovable

Bring peace to the war torn

Bring hope to those who have lost all hope.

And bring joy where only sorrow has been known.

The beginning of the good news happens whenever we examine our heart and decide to confess anything that keeps us from living the Good News that lives in us and wants to manifest itself into the world through us.

The beginning of the Good News can start at any moment.  Including now.


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