Friday Food

Eye of God in the Ceiling of the Cathedral of Light.

Eye of God in the Ceiling of the Cathedral of Light.

You cannot measure the range of love and compassion that God has for you.  It is more than you can know in this lifetime.  So, do not be afraid of God.  Do not worry about God’s judgment of your or what punishment for some wrong God will send our way.  Be open always to the movement of God’s Spirit and new expressions of God’s love for you and for all the cosmos.

“Behold I make all things new!”  God can and does begin something new in you all the time, even in this moment.  So, always look for new ways to express your God Self which is your God infused self the divine person you are and will be.  What thing do you think God is judging you for or about?  Can you let it go and accept something new from God?  Let me know in the comments below.

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