You Are Filled with My Spirit and Light

When you arrived on the planet you arrived filled with my Spirit. As you grew, as you had life experiences, as your genetic make up began to kick in, you became distracted from the fullness of my presence. This is OK as…READ MORE

Friday Food

You cannot measure the range of love and compassion that God has for you.  It is more than you can know in this lifetime.  So, do not be afraid of God.  Do not worry about God’s judgment of your or what punishment for some wrong God will send our way.  Be open always to the […]

God Sized Openings

Reminders from God is a weekly series of inspirational and spiritual reflection to help you deepen and explore your understanding of and relationship with God. Find the entire weekly series here. Although God is capable of being everywhere, all the time and may in fact seem larger than life, God can also be very small.  […]