Friday Food

Garden of Our HeartIf you soul is hungry, then maybe it has been on the hunt too long.  Maybe your soul has been looking in the wrong places for God food.  God does not forsake us. God does not abandon us.  God does not turn away from us.  Neither does God cause our enemies to have victory over us.  We have no enemies as our enemy is our neighbor and our friend.  When we realize this, we will make a way for love and peace will come.  This is true in all things and it is especially true at your deepest being.  If we feel forsaken, abandoned, oppressed in our personal life then how will swords be turned into plowshares?  First we must believe that we have no need for swords before we can change them.    If we are always on the hunt, we won’t realize the food God give us for our soul.  And if we are always hunting we won’t realize we don’t need a sword anymore.  What sword is keeping you hungry so that you don’t have a plow to tend your garden?  Think about it and let me know how you changed your sword into a plowshare.

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