Humility as a Spiritual Tool | Friday Food

Humility as a spiritual tool during the pandemic puts us in the happiest state of being that we can be in.  When we are humble, we are content with who we are.  We are also free to let others be who they are without any annoyance to ourselves.  Being humble does not mean living life with our head bowed low or pitiful.  Being humble means being present for ourselves, for others and for God.  (however you understand God)

Humility as a Spiritual ToolBeing Humble

You cannot work on your humility.  Humility is the product of love.  Remember that in order to have an empowered spirit, we have to take in love and live in humility, to be happy with who we are.  In order to be happy with who we are we must allow ourselves to be loved and to receive love.  You can’t really work on your humility but you can work on letting yourself be loved and you can work on taking in love.  Love is food for your soul.  So whatever you can do to feed your soul by taking in love, helps you to live humbly which strengthens and empowers your spirit.

There is no need to try and smash down your ego.  People often think that to live  humbly requires some sort of sorrow or pity or putting down of the self.  That would be the ego talking.  The ego is not make for humility.  It is better in the service of the mind to help sort things out.  However, the spirit and the self can be humble.  They are present so that we may be strong and develop into the human we are supposed to be which is peaceful, just, joyful, kind, loving and humble.  Being humble keeps your heart open to being love and loving.

Ponder:  Humility as a Spiritual Tool

There are signs that we are getting ready to move into whatever comes after the pandemic.  It is in opportunity to create a new life for ourselves and our world.  Humility as a spiritual tool can help us take the next steps.  As we create this new reality it is important to do so humbly.  Create something new out of a sense of contentment about who we are.  In order to do that we have to take in a steady diet of love.  In this way we are empowered to live content and happy.  Let me know in the comments how you intend to nourish yourself with love so that you can live happy with who you are.  When you take in love and live in humility, your Spirit is empowered to create a new life of justice, peace, joy and love for yourself and your neighbor.

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