Creating As A Spiritual Tool During the Pandemic | Friday Food

Spiritual tools for navigating change has been our topic during the pandemic.  Creating as a spiritual tool during the pandemic is our topic this week.  I have been hearing and reading about some of you learning new hobbies, skills, exercise routines, trying new recipes and all kinds of things during the pandemic.  All of these are ways that we take in love, which along with living in humility help us to feel empowered.  When I work with individuals and organizations to discern next steps, especially during times of transition.  One of the things we consider during times of transition, is what is the new thing God (however you understand God) is trying to do.  In order to get to this new thing I ask you to consider ERIC.  What needs to be eliminated, reduced, increased or created.

Something NewDoing the ERIC

During times of transition such as a pandemic, one of the spiritual tools we can uses to navigate change, is to consider what things in our lives need to be eliminated in order for us to make room for the new thing that we want to happen in our lives. Moving to something new in life, often means giving up something that no longer serves us or might even be holding us back.  It might be that we need new ways of thinking or being and in order to do that we need to give up thoughts that hold us back or behaviors that keep us stuck.

Also, to help make room for the new thing we might also need to do less of something.  We have been reading and getting advice to decrease the amount of news we consume on a daily basis.  We also might need to do less worrying.  It is important to look at our lives and discern what things we could do less of that would enable us to do more of what we would rather do and help us to be more of who we want to be.

Once we eliminate and reduce things we can think about what thing we want to Increase.  What new habits, ways of thinking and being will enable us to move toward the creation of the new life we might be seeking.  And of course, along with that, we can consider what needs to be created.   What new practices, ways of thinking and being can we adopt that help us get through the transitions in life and to the new life waiting for us.


Transitions are not comfortable mentally, physically or spiritually.  However, at some point in time, most of us have navigated some sort of transition in our life.  And we have done it successfully.  The outcome may or may not have been what we thought it would be but if we have moved from something old to something new, no matter the outcome, we have had success.  We either get to where we want to be or learn a new way to get there.  Our biggest challenge is the desire to return to what was which we often call normal.  During times of transition, we have an opportunity to create something new.  In moving to and being something new, take some time to ponder what needs to be eliminated, reduced, increased and created.  I would love to know your thoughts or questions.  Feel free to share them in the comments below.

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