Friday Food

Down to the River

Food for this Friday is honesty.  Be honest and true with yourself, with God, your neighbor and your enemy.  When you don’t know how to do this, or when you get confused about this, simply stop and wait until clarity comes.  Stop and see the sky, hear the birds and breathe the air.  Listen for God’s (God as you understand God, not the way I understand God or the way somebody else told you to understand God) voice and God will show you the way.  God will show you the way of truth.  Clarity is already present in you.  You just need to remove the distractions.  You can begin to remove distractions by not judging, casting out your fears and anger and breathing some peace.  Do these things and you will take care of your soul, you will nourish your soul and in so doing you will remove the distractions that keep you from being the person you want to be.  Nurture you soul in these ways and you will be empowered to be the Spirit filled person you were meant to be.   Take a little time this weekend to nurture you soul and see where it takes you.  Let me know where you end up.

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