Friday Food

          God is the God of all the cosmos.  God is the God of ourself and our neighbors and our enemies because they are all the same.  God is the God of the whole created order.  God organized it, God created it and God sustains it.  God is very present to the whole.  Humanity seeks […]

Friday Food

          God does not forsake us. God does not abandon us.  God does not turn away from us.  Neither does God cause our enemies to have victory over us.  We have no enemies as our enemy is our neighbor and our friend.  When we realize this, we will make a way for love and peace.  […]

Friday Food

  Don’t you think it be great just to have a moment’s peace?  You can.  Bring peace to mind today and think about God’s love for you which is deep and strong.  When you are tempted to judge, breathe some peace, think about God’s love for you, your neighbor; your enemy and especially that person […]