God is Always with Us

Reminders from God is a weekly series of inspirational and spiritual reflection to help you deepen and explore your understanding of and relationship with God. Find the entire weekly series here.

025God is always with us.  God is with us in good times and in the difficult moments and challenges of our life.  God never leaves us alone.  If you are uncertain as to whether or not God is with you, stop and be still.  Be still and be silent and wait for your mind to slow down.  Listen to the beating of your heart and listen for God’s presence.  Even in the most difficult situation, it may take a moment or two, but if you wait and breathe, soon you will know that God is with you.  Difficult people will get in your face and all kinds of distractions will come along.  Remember to breath, remember to love and remember that you are not alone. Remember in the daily challenges to stop, breathe and listen.  Would love to hear your comments on connecting to God in the comments below.

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