Friday Food

113          God is the God of all the cosmos.  God is the God of ourself and our neighbors and our enemies because they are all the same.  God is the God of the whole created order.  God organized it, God created it and God sustains it.  God is very present to the whole.  Humanity seeks to deny this but it is not so and cannot be so.  Institutions have organized to say who God is and what God does but God is more than any institution can claim.  God is a God of love that seeks unity not division.  Any time or place where there is separation, it is a place that denies God.  All things exist in fullness in and through God’s love.  Believe this truth and know of peace and hope.  This week look around and see where there is division.  Look for ways that God’s love might bring unity.  What might you, your neighbor or your enemy need to give up in order to experience unity?

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