Friday Food


Oregon Seaside Rainbow

Oregon Seaside Rainbow

Fear no thing.  Know that you are full of love and keep your heart open to God’s love.  When we join together in God’s love, all fear is cast out, all anger is cast out and we join together to bring God’s love to the world.  In this love there is much healing for ourselves and the cosmos.  There is also peace, hope and joy for us and the cosmos.  Joining with God in love to change the world can be done for our own healing as well as the healing of others when we have no fear.  Pay attention to your thoughts, center them around love.  When we are full of love, our lives and the cosmos will change.  This week, pay attention to the fear that arises within you, take a moment to breathe, to reconnect with your Spirit and call on love to help you through.  Let me know how it works in the comments below.

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