Rule Keeping | Friday Food

Friday Food is a little bit of food for your soul. A little something to feed your soul, to remind you that you are loved, that you are not alone and that there is hope. Friday Food is just a little something to encourage you along the way. Looking for more inspiration? View the entire Friday Food series here.

Welcome to Friday Food!  A little bit of food for your soul…every Friday.  For the next few months, we are looking at “Downloads from Heaven”.  In these “downloads” we are contemplating what it would be like if we got a message from God (however you understand God).  We will be exploring messages from God about pain and suffering and healing and blessing and love and peace other topics too!  When you read these “downloads” you will notice that they are in quotes.  This is to help you think from your heart NOT your head.  Don’t get caught up in whether or not God, (however you understand God) actually said these things.  Just let them speak to your heart.  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.  Here is today’s download:

Rule Keeping

Rule Keeping“Do not get caught up in rule keeping.  Rather, live in love of me and your neighbor and your enemy.  If you are intent on rules for living, follow the rule of love.  Do nothing that makes it hard to love me or your neighbor.  Do not be a stumbling block to others.  Rather be an instrument of love.  Be an encourager, lead by example, the example of love.  Do not be surprised or disappointed when someone lies to you or takes advantage of you.  Your task is to love, forgive and move on.  Even if you must love from a distance, that is better than no love at all.  It allows the space for healing.  Love, forgive, and heal those are the rules to live by for yourself, your neighbor and the world.  I love you.”


Many religious traditions, including my own, stress rules.  Things to do or not to do in order to be a part of the religious group.  But being part of a religious group is only part of who you may be.  You are also a divine force of love in the world.  Religious traditions often focus on the rules of the tradition and how to remain faithful to the tradition.  But God, (however you define God) calls us to a life of love.  Sometimes the rules get in the way of that.  How do you negotiate the rules with your desire to be a force of Divine love in the world?  Please share your comments below.

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